Sample Subcontractor Warranty Letter

When entering into a business relationship with a subcontractor, it`s important to ensure that both parties are protected. One way to do this is by having a subcontractor warranty letter in place. This letter outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement and sets expectations for both parties. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what a sample subcontractor warranty letter entails.

What Is a Subcontractor Warranty Letter?

A subcontractor warranty letter is a legally binding agreement that sets the expectations for a subcontractor`s work. This letter outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement, including any warranties and guarantees that the subcontractor provides. It also sets out the terms of payment, any deadlines, and any other relevant details.

Why Do You Need a Subcontractor Warranty Letter?

A subcontractor warranty letter is necessary for any business that hires subcontractors to complete work. This letter ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding expectations, reduces the risk of disputes, and protects both parties in the event of any issues or problems.

What Should a Subcontractor Warranty Letter Include?

A sample subcontractor warranty letter should include the following details:

1. Names and Contact Information – Include the names and contact information of both parties, including their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

2. Scope of Work – Define the scope of work that the subcontractor is responsible for. This should include a detailed description of the work, the timeline for completion, and any milestones or deliverables.

3. Payment Terms – Outline the payment terms, including the rate of payment, the frequency of payment, and any penalties for late payment.

4. Warranties and Guarantees – Specify any warranties or guarantees that the subcontractor provides, including the length of the warranty period and any limitations.

5. Confidentiality – Include a clause outlining any confidentiality requirements, including any non-disclosure agreements or non-compete agreements.

6. Termination – Describe the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated and the consequences of termination.

7. Governing Law – Specify the governing law that applies to the agreement, as well as any jurisdictional requirements.


A well-written subcontractor warranty letter is an essential tool for any business that works with subcontractors. It sets expectations, reduces the risk of disputes, and protects both parties in the event of any issues or problems. By including all of the necessary details in the letter, businesses can ensure that the subcontractor relationship is a productive and successful one.